Monday, March 01, 2004

So I spoke with NZ today. He had shot up before, apparently, because he was high. Considering I've never seen a person under the influence and have never been myself, I can only presume he was as such, but I think this is a safe presumption; he was staggering, falling, his left eye was twitching and he kept on talking about the Oscars and eye liner. He might of been severely sleep deprived, but all things in consideration, this is somewhat improbable. He was pretty funny though; I couldn't help but laugh at the boy.

NZ: "My Physics Buddy!" He cries, patting me on the back. (This is a term he's never used in reference to me before, and he's never acted this jocund or open.) "How are you?"

Me: "I'm doing just fine. I haven't started memorizing yet, but, your eye okay?" I say once I notice that his eye is acting violently spastic.

NZ: "Yes, it does that sometimes, but it's okay. Did you see the Oscars last night? They thanked everybody from New Zealand for ring of the Lords. Speaking of, I have to wear eye liner and a ton of it not cool me a man and all." He then slipped into comatose, then started to laugh gaily.

Me: "But I love eye liner! It's so sexy!"

NZ: "Not on a guy." He said, staggering. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked so pathetic. I broke into a fit of laughter, trying very hard to stop.

NZ: "Are you laughing at me?"

Me: Thinking: of course I'm laughing at you. You probably just got through shooting up on the A floor, and you've run into 4 things since I started talking to you 3.2 seconds ago. Tourettes Syndrome is being mimicked by your uncontrollable left eye, and I'm reminded faintly of a hummingbird. You've worked yourself into a fit talking about eye liner, and now you appear to have forgotten all about the fact that you're here for play practice. How on earth could I not laugh at you?
Me: Saying: "Of course I'm not laughing at you. You're just acting a wee bit strange."

NZ: "Define a wee bit."

Overall, I'm surprised that he would come to school like this. Or, at least, play practice, since I doubt he came to school. Kind of sad.

I still adore him, though.