Monday, March 15, 2004

Look what I do for you people. I sacrifice my beautiful trendy template and my small font just so you can actually read the blog. Silly people.

Today went fabulously. I woke up at 8, did my unit circle extra credit assignment, and went for a quick shopping trip with Amy Jo. I came home and went to Play practice.

Shopping was uneventful and fruitless. I didn't have any money, so I have nothing to write about. Play practice, however, went fabulously. I remembered all my lines, played splendidly, interacted just as I wanted.

Then came the time to go to the movie with Elisse. We went to go see lost in translation. The movie was cute, although I didn't really enjoy it. We went to Kyoto; I had a small bowl of soup and some rice and ran home.

I don't have the energy to write. My stomach hurts. Poor Ricky's done nothing all day, I'm going to go do something with him. I love him, he's a sweetie pie. He deserves a lot more than the meager things presented to him. I worry about him.

I go. Bubye, my dears.