Monday, March 22, 2004

It's 5:42 in the morning, and I've been up since 3:45, therefore I'm a little off right now. I finished my history essay on change in the roaring 20s in which I focused on architectural transformations in style, and now I have to start on my trig. Jo's (I'm sick of typing Amy jo, so we shall hence forth refer to her as "jo") coming over soon due to the fact that neither of us understand it. I'm trying to type really quickly so that I'll be finished by the time she comes over. Ugh- I haven't even started my trig yet. Argh!

The good news, however, is that I did no homework whatsoever on the Sabbath, which makes me happy. I had an exquisite day yesterday, it was fabulous. Hmmmmm.

Starting in a month or two, I might have every other Saturday night off. Redemption!

Jo isn't here yet, but mom's home from her route and I'm going to go have breakfast with her. Jauntome, all.