Tuesday, March 09, 2004

My family and I went to divulge ourselves at one of salt lake city's finest dineries- the pie pizzeria.

I was extremely against the idea in general. I don't do pizza, and I haven't since 7th grade. If I'm going to blow my fat-gram allowance in one shot, I'm afraid pizza is not what I'll be spending it on. Yesterday, therefore, I was one of the snottiest little girls a family could ever dream to have.

But oh my Janus! Best Pizza ever! We got this alfredo broccoli thingy, and it was divine. I couldn't resist. I couldn't resist last night, and I couldn't resist this afternoon although it had sat out all night. Oh well- food borne illnesses will be one of the last things to stop me. I am invincible!

I have a ton of work to do today. I have to make my atom, which one I have not yet chosen, watch 30 minutes of a Spanish soap opera and take notes (Wow- they're all right! Utah education ISN'T a joke after all! Who knew?) And I have to write my thesis paper about Christina Rossetti. And I'm not going to let what happened yesterday happen today. I will not start working at 9:30 and spend all my time blogging, instead! I will fight, I will struggle, I will prevail!

(Unless, of course, Daddy's online. How can I ever reject such a dear man?)

Oh- note to Elisse: Do you see this? What is this Soir” nonsense? Do you feel no obligation to the inferior of the computering world? What about us PC users who want to buy the machine without any previous education on implementing it, don't bother to research it or learn something about it, and then expect it to work? (my brother works tech support, if you can't tell) What about us? Help, this is ugly!

Don't make me call tech support!