Tuesday, March 30, 2004

My brother downloaded the Sims with all 8 expansion packs today. (legit? Of course! what a ridiculous question....) An 8 in 1 kind of deal, pretty cool. I don't know how to get to it though, dangit. All I want to do is design a house on Sims...oh, it's been too long. I'm going through withdrawal now that I think about it. Hmmmmm....Sims....

Things at my house are calm right now, which isn't saying much considering that my family is a bipolar, 6-part whack job that consumes any people, ideals, or insects to perch next to it. Bow down before the all-destroying collective, ready to freak out and scare anything, anytime. Beware, though; the ability to disappoint and panic is the only stable action one can rely on, this unit thrives on disappointing. It’s not too bad, though; Nothing $50,000 worth of therapy and a couple of pick-me-ups can’t fix. Fear not.

Do you fabulous people remember our dear friend Heather? The stupid one? Well, out of the incalculable sentences of unsurpassable idiocy, I managed to find one of merit. This is not to be seen as redeemable, however; the woman would have to write a Dostoyevsky to do that. Listen to this:

“I'm tired of love; it can kiss the fattest ass in the world [and] lick its cheeks until it bleeds for all I care.”


This makes me smile. Ha. I’m going to start cracking up when I see her in English tomorrow. hee hee hee.

The play is over but I’m not sad. I’m continuing to bond with these adorable people; next week I’m going to a party at Dave’s and then throwing one of my own. How splendid.

Yes! Rob’s online and might show me how to get to Sims. My mother’s away for the evening, so I can play to my hearts desire (definitely NOT a good thing). I leave you now for my sexy flooring and improved wall paper. Hmmmmm, wallpaper…drool….