Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Honest people rock. Today I left my U card, bus pass, and money in the bathroom at the field house and I found it all turned in at the front counter. Including the money. What type of diehard turns in the money? I don’t understand it, but I am thankful, all the same.

The field house is wonderful. I burnt 300 calories. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but that’s a good 40 minutes on the treadmill. Then I walked around for 2 hours in an attempt to find my text books and my classes that failed miserably and left me exhausted.

So I came home and decided to eat tortillas instead.

Yes. This entry isn’t really about anything; I just wanted something to do while I ate my tasty tortillas. And now that my tortillas have all been consumed, I’m afraid my talking to you serves no purpose whatsoever. Bubye.