Sunday, May 30, 2004

Tonight I hung out with Jo& co. Don’t exactly know what to think. Surprisingly enough, I had fun. It was surprising. Hence the adjective preceding the word “enough”. It’s a good thing I’m not redundant, huh?

I haven’t seen Carter much this week. This makes me sad; I like seeing my Carter. But oh well, since his parents took his truck back to their cabin I finally see how big a problem transportation can be. He’s really down right now. It appears as if he’s been as such for the last couple of weeks, or at least when he’s talked to me during this time, which comprises around a third or a fourth of the time that I’ve known him. It’s truly weird to think that I met him a month and a half ago. It’s also weird to think that I met him at a party at Frank’s house, of all places. This is amusing; yesterday Abbey and I discussed the problem of meeting people on a UTA bus. Generally this is simply a terrible idea for many reasons, which are made apparent the second one chooses to view the occupants of the bus. Usually smelly, dirty, and fond of talking to themselves, those who ride UTA make a diverse, yes, but odd and brooding crowd. You don’t make approaches when on a bus, you just don’t. It doesn’t matter how beautiful or nicely-clothed they are, it’s an unwritten rule that they are off limits as long as they are sitting on the worn blue fabric of a UTA bus seat. It’s kind of the same dealie with a party at Frank’s house: you know some people but you don’t attend to “meet” someone. Come on, it’s Frank. Interesting guy, yes, but not one to establish communications through.

I’m tired. I woke early today (7 freakin’ O’clock, it was dreadful to be up at such an ungodly hour of the morn) and I’m pretty much beat. I have to wake up early tomorrow, too; I’m going with Carter to his church at 9:30 and then attending mine (that’s like 8 hours of church. I am SO going to heaven…) and I’ll have to wake up around 8. This is my long weekend! Why can’t I sleep in? Why?

Oh- yes. Mum and I went house shopping today. We went all over the valley and saw a multitude of gorgeous houses, and it hit me for the first complete time that I’m moving. In four weeks we have to be out of the house, and I’ll never again wake up to see the sun pour through my familiar window, falling over me as the friendly birds chirp and whistle to greet me. I have 4 Saturdays left, 4 more times this will happen to me. How I’m going to miss it! I’m glad we sold the house and made such a wonderful profit (50 grand, heck yeah!) but I’m going to miss it all the same. If I were silly and sentimental and attached this would just break my heart, but fortunately I’m not, so I’ll stand back and say “Pity”. Honestly. Either that or “huh”, in memory of our dear friend George Costanza.

I think I shall retire to bed now. Perhaps I’ll eat first, but hopefully not, considering that I’m not hungry and that I’d be eating just for the sake of eating itself, which is pathetic. I’m going to run to bed before I succumb to the beckonings of the random artificial-flavored pastries that inhabit my cabinet. Run AWAY!!!!