Friday, May 28, 2004

Oh Blogger! You sexy, sexy program, you. So much better than live journal! So much! So very very much! Yay blogger!

Of course I'll be cursing you again the second my ineptitude befuddles my blogging experience, but until then you're just dandy in my book!

I’ve discovered photo-blogging, you see, and I can almost use it completely. How absolutely lovely! Pictures on a blog! Who knew? There are some things that continue to perplex me, mainly one thing: I want to put my picture on my profile and simply don’t know how. How do I find the URL to the picture that blogger posted for me? Where did it go? Where is the URL? Did I lose the URL? What happened to the URL? I grow discouraged about the URL (yes, Al Franken, we love you…).

This is definitely NOT good for my blog, though. Finally all of you will see how truly narcissistic I am. I kid you not. I am completely in love with myself, I am. I could lie to you and pretend to be humble and all that jazz, but what’s the point? I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now. I am THE MOST SELF CENTERED PERSON IN THE WORLD! Starving children in Africa? What did you say? Oppressed refugees back east? Poor defenseless animals? What? You’re not speaking my language, darling. I understand the following, and the following only: ME! Wheeeee…..

Yeah….I’m a bad person….Oh well. At least I flaunt it and revel in it. Surely there’s some merit in that.

I’m going to go see if I can fix my profile. Then eat a pop tart. Then pass out on my couch.

OH! The possibilities!