Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I didn't do any homework tonight. I didn’t really have any, but I think I could have been much more productive. That’s okay, though; it’s nice to lay back and do as I please. Today I went to BDs with Joel and Jeff and Ian and Elisse, and the heart-pounding fruits found in this hole-in-the-wall eatery are exquisite. The fiddles are filling and nummy and oh so bad for you. It was fabulous.

I’ve decided I want to be published by the year 2006, but I’ve discovered that my attempts of this so far have all been common in their necessities: it needs a point. My description is fabulous and melodious and beautiful, but supports nothing. Blah. I’m to lazy to discover my inner drives and convictions. I’d much rather partake in my goddess, my diety, my master: luscious words.

Carter’s on the other computer working on homework. I think I’m going to go give him a hug and turn in soon; I’m so very tired.

Elisse got a new job. A holy, glorious, sensational new job. Get this: She’s got a job at this store called haight, and she’s getting paid entirely in shoes. I kid you not: $10 an hour towards store credit. Obviously this isn’t for the mother trying to raise a family, but for the fashionable teenager that would blow her money at the store anyway. If you think about it, it’s saving you the time and the trouble one must go through to cash a check. And since time is money, the job actually SAVES her money. I think I should work there…

I’m going to go hug Carter now. Bubye