Just called my agency. The Acting division is completely swamped with jobs right now and what do the models got? Nadda.
Oh well. The little modeling work that I've done I haven't really enjoyed. The pay is great, but it's somewhat annoying to have so many people swarming about you. I almost prefer to be the swarmer (see 1st job, i.e spag)
Didn't do much today. I have a whole bunch of homework that I have to do, and I really really don't want to do it. Homework is so freaking mormon, you know?
My, how scattered my thoughts are! Here's a little bit of me over here, and some more over there, and LOOK! Behind the barrel- more ME!!! YAY!!! Anyways, my blog is a whore. It's always been as such, and always will be. I'm the blog’s pimp, you see, so our relationship is bittersweet, I suppose. Yeah- I'm a darn sexy pimp, what can I say? Oh yes- why my blog is a whore. On my profile it won't display this blog. It will display the other two which have a whole (you better sit down for this) 5 entries. I want to display this one and it won't let me so it is a whore. Stupid mexican jew lizard.
If I keep on writing I soon going to debase myself to the point that I'll have no reason to exist. So I need to stop. Right.....now!