Friday, September 17, 2004

I have an absolutely spectacular update for you all: I’m starting to understand physics. This is such a relief; my first couple of assignments I would sit down in front of my computer, look over a problem, and just start sobbing all over the keyboard. (There is very little exaggeration in this, which is rather sad, I know) But now it takes much more to drag me to tears, such as 3 minutes of investigating the problem, at the very least. My first exam is in one week, and since exams count for about 450% of our grade as in comparison to the pitiful 8% that homework accounts for, comprehension is extremely important. But I’m starting to understand; I’m feeling a wee bit less lost every time I look at physics. My newfound ability almost compensates for the fact that I’m forced to use a mac here in the library (shudder).

Well, the weekend is here at last *heaves a staggering sigh of relief*

Tonight I go home, eat, and watch a movie with mum. I shall have to remind myself in some fashion:


But right now I’m going to go home, grab some supplies for the studio then come back to work a bit more on the fingerprint of perdition, and then go work out a tad at the field house.

Wow. Macs are even more stupid than I thought. It won’t let me paste into blogger from word (which has nothing to do with my stupidity, I promise) so I’m going to have to email it to myself and send it from home. Gag me!