Monday, January 03, 2005

“Where…” The bat let an exasperated chuckle fall from her lips. “Where do you find the moon? I can’t seem to see it.” She laughed a bit more. Even she could tell it was a startlingly stupid question.

“Er…well, what do you mean?”

“Well, you see, Susan (mum’s sister) and I were talkin’ today and I missed her an awful lot. Her and me decided that tonight at exactly 7:00 my time, 8:00 her time we’d look up at the same moon to bond over the thousands of miles that separate us.” She spoke in her slow Alabama drawl, her blue eyes flitting about the room. “But I can’t find that stupid thing. Should I, should I be able to see it out my winda?”

I swallowed and looked at the clocker, which read 7:27. “You know Mormor, I think you can see it out your window. I can see it out my bedroom window.”

“Oh thanks, darlin’.”

She left the room and promptly headed towards the dining room, which lies in the opposite direction.