Monday, January 03, 2005

I allow a deluge of images and possibilities and anticipation to flood my being, to wash over me again and again and again until it seems as if this tide of desire has finally carried me away from reality’s clutches. I drift with this current, flushed out and away. My sighs fill the air above me and the depths below, and for once I’m buoyed up away from the despair that comes up to own me so sporadically and habitually. Through the web of duplicity that binds me I see the world beyond, and the weather’s absolutely breathtaking.

Today was marvelous. I hate to converse through conundrums and ambiguity, I do, but I understand the necessity as I hope my dearest reader does. Hopefully it suffices to say that the world is a delight of piercing light and ruthless shadows. The daylight shone graciously today; in the brisk morning I smiled to see the radiance.

Perhaps tomorrow I’ll go for a run before dad gets here. He comes at 6 in the morning, and I can’t wait to see him. We have a lot to discuss, him and I, I pray it goes well. And honor I will defend, will all my might, my dear.