Saturday, January 08, 2005

Oh blessed possibility! Today I stood in my kitchen, with every window open and a strong but almost warm breeze pushing through the room. Wind chimes danced in the distance, circling about down the street.

Things have cleaned up rather well with my family. Mum and I have come to terms and accepted that I’m moving to Cincinnati because of the necessary change, not because of her. I’ve become disappointed, however, with the last little bit of Utah, the only piece I truly would have grieved leaving.

Oh brilliance, oh language, oh possibility! Come, the world awaits me! I leap forward and how glad I am! I’ve finally discarded my concern for those who push and suffocate me. I simply don’t care if I sound naïve or immature or selfish. What can they do? What would they do? Why would I let them?

I won’t anymore. I don’t care to explain it; I’ve finished attempting to justify everything. All problems will be ascribed to my childishness, and that’s fine. It’s not as if I have to struggle to pacify anymore: the world is mine.