Friday, February 20, 2004

So it turns out I've been spelling Elisse's name wrong. It's so funny- I was one of the only people that knew how to spell her name, and during her banishment, I suppose I've just forgotten. I've never understood why people care anyway; if anything I'd rather people as a whole didn't know how to spell my name, so that I wouldn't cringe to think that they're debasing it every time it escapes their lips.

yhuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuujuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu7yu. oops. I'm eating a Rice krispie treat right now, and I just got a krispie stuck in between the U, the Y and the H. In my attempt to retrieve the tasty morsel, I ended up smashing it down into the belly of my horizontal friend. Man, I bet it was tasty too. I can see the remains; there they lie, mocking and taunting my desire. I suppose that's what I get for being lazy and using the puffed marshmallow crème as opposed to melting the marshmallows: a rice krispie treat that doesn't stick together and has to be eaten with a spoon. Best darn rice krispie treat I've ever eaten.

My mom's just gone to rent Under the Tuscan sun. It's supposedly a horrid plotless chick flick in which a writer goes to an exotic land and makes love the Italian men instead of working. I can't wait to see it.

Well, I don't really feel like writitng today. I feel scattered, as I'm sure some of the more observative readers are suspecting. I just realized it's the weekend, which means two steady days of working in roughly every minute of spare time I have. I closed last night, which was fun because we played pictionary on the front desk before I decided to nap on it.

I love my job...