Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I just returned from my ward's etiquette night. The lecture was brilliant, the preparation was evident and the food was delicious, and yet I'm disappointed; even though the hard work of the leaders and guest speakers was evident, the guests were the most ungrateful swine I've ever sat next to.

I've known all these people for years, they are my friends and neighbors, they go to my school and I talk to them weekly, if not daily. They are the privileged kids of the upper-middle class/ lower-upper class rung in which i subsist; one is the son of the owners of thanksgiving point, another the daughter of the vice president of Sundance, the rest the children of prestigious lawyers and doctors. I live in the cheapest house in this neighborhood, big but old and rickety, beautiful in my eyes. I'm not one of these people; my mother is a teacher of mathematics and my father is a captain pilot for DHL.

Here these people sit before me, snubbing the gourmet our leaders worked so hard to prepare, ignore the lecturers and make fun of our "butlers".

"Is this vinaigrette on the salad? I haven't had anything but cream sauces on my salads since I was 7."
"Tomato? I'm afraid I don't eat tomato. Especially fresh- no thank you, I don't think I care to try it."
"Is this a blueberry on the cake?" asks a girl next to me that lives over a street from me. "Eeeeeeew, that's so disgusting." wrinkling her nose, she flicks, honestly, flicks it onto the table cloth. "Let's go to the pie pizzeria afterwards. This stuff is reasty."
"Word." Says a guy across from me to my right. Pizza? You're being served shrimp etouffee by youth group leaders and you want pizza?

Of course, after the meal they leave immediately (tucking their chairs in), and fly out to the Pie. There are 2 youth that even both to ask our leaders if they need help cleaning up or finding the Reed and Barton Francis I cutlery they can't seem to find after lending the $435-a-place-setting flatware to add a sophisticated touch to the night.

Do you see why being a mother is becoming less and less appealing to me?