Monday, November 22, 2004

I recall a time of frustration and confusion during which I received help from my deity above. I was 17 at the time, and had just begun college in the hopes of pursuing an education in architecture. Already, through the majority of my first semester, I had become discouraged from continuing an education in this field. The concept behind the design process class I had was a brutal one; time and time again my ideas and visions were ripped to pieces as I and others were humiliated in front of the class. This was to be the easiest time during my education, and I heard story after story of the pains endured during the arduous journey of architecture schooling. I decided to abandon the idea, and looked around hopelessly for something else that sparked my interest and passion as architecture had done.

I found nothing, though, that did such a thing. I loved nothing academically as dearly as I loved the unavoidable art of architecture. Surely there is something less grueling, thought I, and I persisted in finding something else to study.

Mum saw my confusion, and persuaded me to come with her to visit an architect in our ward. Although there were a couple of distinguished, successful architects in our old and new ward, we visited a woman who had just received her license a couple months before. She owned her own small business in renovation and loved what she did. She truly inspired me, and I knew I couldn’t discard my passion as easily as I had hoped.

“It was a miracle I made it through that program,” She told me. “Sometimes they work you so hard that you don’t even see the point. If it’s meant to be, however, it will happen.”

Is this where the Lord wanted me? I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I could thrive in anything the Lord supported me in, and I was ashamed to see that I had yet to fall to my knees and ask:

“Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”

Later that evening, I decided to humble myself and do just that. I knelt before my Lord and begged for guidance. Tears ran down my cheeks as I listened to the humming silence that surrounded me, and as I listened I knew I would be answered. My hands were clasped together firmly, and I knelt there determined to be able to hear what the Lord was trying to tell me.

It didn’t take long for my mind to clear and for the thought of my mother, of all people, to come to my mind. I then felt that I needed to research and investigate the situation entirely, and that I needed to discuss what I found with mum. I was somewhat bemused by the answer, but grateful and happy to be assured, once again, of my heavenly father’s care and everlasting love for me.

The next day I attended my Intro to Architecture class. A guest speaker stood in front of us and lectured on the ruthlessness of modern architecture. I, being an aficionada of the modern movement, dismissed the majority of his comments as maudlin personal beliefs that concerned me not at all. Then, however, he turned his attention, rather abruptly, to the future of all those sitting in the auditorium.

“There is hope for a wonderful professional life, no matter what you choose to do,” he assured us. “You will be birthing creative ideas to the benefit of those you serve in whatever profession you enter.”

I smiled to witness the grace and benevolent mercy of my God. He had answered my humble prayer yet again, reassured me and comforted me. His promises are kept in every situation. Every sincere prayer will be answered. I will continue to search, for I have yet to find what I want to do. I have yet to decide what I will study and where I will go. But I hope I have the wisdom to go where the Lord directs me, for I know only there will I find happiness, and eventual acceptance of self.

My Shepherd, now receive me;

My Guardian, own me Thine.

Great blessings Thou didst give me,

O Source of gifts divine!

Thy lips have often fed me

With words of truth and love,

Thy Spirit oft hath led me

To heavenly joys above.