Thursday, November 04, 2004

I have a physics exam in a week and one day, but I refuse to study right now, even though I have plenty of free time. Today in studio we turned in a project (which I think turned out spectacularly, I hope Larry bear and teacher are good to me), so I was only in class for 20 minutes. I came home, did my makeup so that I look completely hot, and now I’m writing. I could have done a lot of much needed physics studying, but I’m a bad person, so I didn’t.

I love this season. The brisk chill of the wind is bitter but mysteriously warming. Waiting for the month of November to end is always the hardest part; I want to put up the Christmas tree and the decorations and watch the snow fall from a toasty house. I want to play Christmas music and drink hot chocolate. Excitement fills my throat and my body and makes my beam every time I think of it. November is so difficult, it’s such a tease to watch the valley be bleached out by soft snow and the store windows covered in everything Christmas just to know that It’s so far away. Oh, the excitement!

I’ve also decided to take on a new endeavor this season; a rather obvious one that I think will be incredibly fun. I’ve decided what I want and I’ve decided that I’m going to get it.

*grins mischievously *

Well, I think I’m off to maybe study some physics.
