Saturday, July 03, 2004

It has seemed like the longest time since I've sat in front of this enticingly black screen. How I've missed you, my dearest, and how I've mourned your absence! This, my method, my child, I adore you and I've missed you dearly. It turns out my echo means more to me than I though it did.

I just got back from Spiderman II with Carter. The movie was good, or at least it was produced in the comic-like form that becomes our crime-fighting arachnid ever so well. I despise the actor who plays Spiderman almost as much as I loathe Kirsten Dunst (shudder), but overall it was good. Carter enjoyed the film much more than I did, bouncing around in his seat with glee upon witnessing the fulfillment of the comic book narrative. I think I'm in love with the boy. I found dependability in a 18 yr. old construction worker/romantic/prep school graduate and my discovery scares me quite a bit. I enjoy being with him ever so much! He makes me happy!!!!

Elisse is in Washington D.C. at debate camp. Apparently she passed up Stanford to go to this allegedly prestigious camp and found out it was crap upon arrival. Every time she calls I pick up the phone to hear disappointed whimpers and homesick groans from the other end. Poor baby. She has 11 days left till she arrives back in S.L.C and she can’t stand it there. At the same time it’s funny; she’s lodging in one of the most fascinating cities in the world and she can’t explore it because she has to attend a lecture explaining what a counter plan is. Poor girl.

My nonattendance, by the way, is not the fault of my laziness or my inability, I just want you to know. I’ve been traveling; last week it was Seattle (BEST CITY EVER!) and this week it was girls camp (WORST SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS EVER!). This upcoming week I’m a.) painting my room the most adorable pastel-mint color and b.) working on Driver’s ed and the rest of my course classes. The week following will mark the beginning of my beautiful respite in Cincinnati which will last throughout the rest of July and the beginning of August. Exciting.

I’m tired, and I have to go brush my teeth. Tomorrow Carter is taking me to Flemings, and I pine with anticipation. Huzzah!!!