Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Elisse has been raging lately about the book French Women Don't get Fat. The book rages that French women never use fat substitutes and don't become corpulent because they dwell on the miraculous experience that food is and therefore indulge on full fatty foods daily.

Well, that's great. But can I tell you why, when I am in desperate need of some hard core comfort food, I can indulge in turkey, mashed potatoes, rice, and a creme sunday in the middle of the night?

Smart Choice microwaveable meals and weight watchers deserts. 8 grams, I tell you, that is all. And it's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful thing.

Anyways, I fly to Salt Lake May 10th and don't depart until the 24th. I do this because I miss family/friends/doggie. I then leave on June 8th for Norway and I don't return until July 28th.

What a busy bee I am.