Saturday, March 08, 2008

Rachael (interior monologue): “And I’ll just pop out that gradient there a bit, just to highlight the edge of the side window...”

Computer: “You want to use a WHAT size brush after running photoshop and illustrator simultaneously for nine hours straight? Cute, real cute.”

Rachael: “There we go...”

Computer: “What did I tell you? What do I ever tell you? Why don’t you ever listen? We play this game all the time, I have to crash on you, and then all of a sudden I’m the bad guy. Just, just chill. Surf the web for a while, why don’t you? Read some gossip, god, FACEBOOK if you have to, just give the massive aps a break.”

Rachael: “And that overlay is looking a bit much, I’ll just knock it down a bit...”

Computer: “YOU CRAZY BITCH! I will crash on yo’ ass so fast you won’t know what hit you OR your cartoonish, sophomoric rendering!”

Rachael: “This rendering is looking awesome. I am a badass.”

Computer: “...”

Rachael: “Maybe just a bit more shadow...”

Computer: *bipzewwww…*

Rachael: “Fuck! NO!! God no! You piece of shit! FUCK!!! ...

Computer: ...

Rachael: “... This must be karmic retribution for picking all of the raspberries out of the fruit salad Cindy made this afternoon.”