Wednesday, February 22, 2006


As it currently stands, my enthusiastic bout of intense cleaning turned out to be completely counterproductive. I left my cell phone at the car wash and the precious mechanism is now completely destroyed; apparently cell phones don't mingle to well with copious amounts of soap and water. The travesty has birthed the following conclusion: I should have yielded to my natural inclinations by sitting on my ass all day long as opposed to launching GYMPASB crusades (Glorious Yet Mysteriously Pathetic Attempts to Stay Busy). I will certainly remember that come my next day off.

Also, my philosophy professor has finally finished his lecturing about why women shouldn't be in the workforce/ hold college degrees. He has now started lecturing about aliens instead. I now have sufficient justification to ignore him completely and am therefore quite happy.

I am still sick and cough atrociously, despite the several metric tons of theraflu deliciousness that I have been enjoying daily. This illness is persistent but apparently has no interest in spreading past my sinuses to the rest of my body, so I have yet to suffer from the headaches, body aches, or fatigue that normally accompany a cold. I figure that in terms of colds and various illnesses, this one is actually somewhat lenient and merciful. She/He is invited to stay awhile in my sinuses as long as She/He behaves. I'll keep sipping my theraflu deliciousness and we'll all be happy.

In my semi-delirious yet contently ill state I've begun reading "Catch 22". I adore the first 19 pages that I've read so far, and look forward to finishing it. I will keep you updated.

That is all.