Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Alrighty. Note to self:

Previous post is very important. I was, however, tired and approaching a very long day of school and vagina monologue performance. I need to elaborate on the billion different ideas I squashed in there, however. So, your job, little reader, is to make sure I do that some time soon. Got it? Cool.

Important points are as follows:

-the relativity shpeal (speele? Shpeale? Is that even a word? I'm too tired to have a clue. You know the one I'm talking about, right? You do? Cool). So yes, I need to explain why Hume is a jackass. As is our little friend Immanuel Kant. Hume more so than Kant, but they're jackasses all the same.
-the whole "I see my life in prose" thing. Quite true, that one. Must be written about further.
-there was something else in there, I think. Find out what it was, and then make sure I get back to it, and don't let me slack off! Under any circumstance! Got it?
