Thursday, June 03, 2004

It’s amazing: the high school I attend is quite possibly one of the most under-funded in the country, yet I find myself again and again in awe of the extraordinary teachers that have tutelage over me. It would take too long, and no eloquence of mine would do the reason behind this justice, but let it suffice to say that hundreds upon hundreds of difficult students have weeded out the weak and the counterfeit, and have left nothing but the creative minds who think to survive. I have plenty of incredibly inept teachers, yes, but those who make an impression on me do so because of nothing other than the sheer genius and pureness with which they teach.

Mr. Christiansen, my physics teacher, is an awesome guy. Is he eccentric to the nth degree and completely insane? Maybe. But he’s effective and hilarious. Today he laid aside his normally jovial and comical behavior and assigned us our last assignment, which is due August 21, 2017.

On August 21, 2017, there will be a solar eclipse that will be able to be seen from the northern hemisphere. Two hours prior to the solar eclipse, each student in the class is to meet the rest of the class at Kemmerer, Wyoming. The saints will meet at McDonalds, and the sinners will meet at the soggy log bar (aren’t you glad that he’s NOT making fun of the LDS?) We will all gather for an eclipse party. We are to accomplish three things before this day:

1. Find out who you are, don’t live someone else’s life/ serendipity
2. Find a best friend to share your life with
3. Discover what is real.

He is an exceptional man and an incomparable teacher, to say the very least.