Sunday, July 06, 2008

Jesus Christ. No love, no love at all for the tattoo idea thus far. God. You’d think that one might find support for such an idea from the creative counter-culture that is design, but alas, I have yet to find any. Today I was told by a man with a mohawk and a batman tee that I would taint myself with a large tattoo. What the hell.

I am beginning to have my doubts. I can’t decide which would be worse: looking back at age 65 and regretting that I never had the balls to get a tattoo that I always wanted, or looking down at age 65 and seeing a stretched, out-of-place blight that covers a third of my torso. Hmmmm… decisions, decisions. I simply love the idea of a pretty, conservatively dressed young professional who beneath the banana republic cardigan and darling heels has Russian literature tattooed all over her body. Surely there is someone out there who also finds that amusing and awesome. Speak up, you illusive tattoo-condoning individuals! Where are you?

Today was successful. At 11:00 I went to brunch with Dennis, my dear friend and previous regional manager at Chart House, at Honey, an awesome indy restaurant over in Northside. I like Dennis immensely; he’s intelligent and pleasant while unapologetically goofy at times. We live in separate worlds, he and I; I spend 70 hours a week in the dork bizarro bubble that is DAAP, whereas his time is spent in a world of restaurants, wine tasting and actually having money. He turns 30 next week and invited me to a celebratory soiree:

D: “What are you doing on the 18th?

Me: “ Oh my god, BATMAN!”

D: “Come again?”

Me: “Dude, The Dark Knight comes out on the 18th, and I made plans to go see it EIGHT months ago. We even planned a batman marathon in preparation. BATMAN. That is what I’m doing on the 18th.”

D: “…..”

Me: “Does that make me even more of a dork?”

D: “That makes you even more awesome”.

I agreed to stop by after the film and help him celebrate his being old, and I look forward to meeting his friends and family. I also look forward to Batman, obviously. I’m going with my studio friend Matt, the aforementioned tattoo-hater who is currently sporting a mohawk. He’s an even bigger batman fan than I am, so his presence, hopefully, will make me feel somewhat normal. I cannot contain my excitement for the movie; the trailers look downright spectacular. Though I was initially suspicious of Heath Ledger’s Joker, my worries were banished the moment I saw his demented makeup and that menacing Chelsea smile. It’s going to be creepy. It’s going to be fantastic.

On a side note, I’ve been going to the gym daily since school started, and it’s starting to show. While on coop I spent almost every weekend in Chicago with Ben, during which time we went out to eat for every meal. I, er, returned to Cincinnati significantly plumper than I had left it, and was unhappy with the state of affairs. I dragged my chubby little ass to the gym and have worked out an hour a day since then, and will soon be the walking ball of hotness I aspire to be. Things are looking up.