Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh dear god. I am back in school after a short spring break respite. It was all too short, I’m afraid; it feels as if I finished my winter finals yesterday, yet here I am, flipping through 6 new syllabi and buying books again. I finished winter quarter with exactly the same grades as fall quarter: all A’s save an A- in Wolf’s impossible drawing course. I am proud of myself and confident in my chances for a scholarship, so I’ll be holding my breath from now until May.

Much to my dismay, Space studio this quarter is going to resemble fall quarter and not winter quarter; fall quarter was marked by the dreaded, time-consuming “paint-chip” color exercises, whereas all winter work was completed on a computer and consequently less tedious. This quarter, however, we are completing a series of exercises all executed by folding paper. I began school on Monday, and my first all-nighter of the quarter will be tonight.

I am taking my studio courses, a political philosophy course, and an analysis of Shakespeare course, which I am quite excited about. Work is the same: Wednesday and Friday evenings at Mimi’s cafe, resulting in a weekly income of $150. Mum discovered she could add me onto her car insurance, which would save me $75 a month, but I don’t have 6 months pay upfront, unfortunately, and can’t take advantage of the opportunity.

Bryan’s birthday is on the 10th, and I’m terribly worried that finances will prevent me from providing him with a fantastic birthday. When I express these financial concerns he always bats the issue away with a “don’t get me anything”. I know him though, and I know how he loves surprises. I’m going to bake a magnificent cake and collect a few excellent gifts. I’m a resourceful gal, after all, and I always seem to pull through ordeals such as this.

Today will be a taxing day. I have drawing studio in 10 minutes, at which time I will begin a still life that I’ll have to finish over the weekend. I then rush to Mason to work at 5- and I think I’m closing tonight, to boot- and then I must return downtown for a couple of hours of studio work. I look forward to the summer, when I will have completed the first year of my major with flying colors. All is well, dearest readers, though you and I don’t see too much of each other any more. I’ll try to report back more often.