Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Today was my only day off; after school I work on Monday, Friday and Saturday, Tuesdays and Thursdays are spent with the boyfriend, as are most of Sundays. Wednesday, however, is mine to spend as I see fit after I finish school at 5.

A frenzy of school work and bills has caught me in its rushing grasp, delighting me with the thrill of true progress and burdening me with hours of school and work that takes 6 days of my week. This one day, as redundant as the epitaph is, is my escape. I am free to watch TV, eat a bag of popcorn, or work out if I so desire, all in an attempt to forget the deadlines and be lazy for an evening. My routine, however, has robbed me of that leisure. Only a month of school has gone by and already I get anxious when I’m not hurried. A nervously psychotic smile explodes onto my lips and fades the second I think of how to best utilize the free time. I want to do everything I’ve forsaken in sight of work and end up bogging myself down in a flurry of 5 lazy activities I foolishly endeavor to do at the same time. It honestly took me 2 episodes to figure out that exercising, watching sex and the city, eating fruit snacks all while trying to stuff my face with popcorn is simply not a good idea.

My bedtime has come and a wave of nausea settles throbbingly on top of the usual exhaustion. My head aches from the sugar of the 4 packs of fruit snacks, and all I can think about is the studying I could have done.

I suck at this game.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

We have met the enemy and he is us: I am positively fascinated with symbolic philosophy. e= object of observation. t= logically inconsistent but empirically equivalent ideas. To explain all I have struggled to articulate about relativity in 3 variables is nothing short of brilliance. Oh, sweet stimulation, how I embrace thee!
Dearest reader: forgive my absence. On the 22nd of August I started school, and I have toiled laboriously ever since. My classes are splendid, I am soaring through every one of them, and I have found a certain delight in life that's been missing for a while.

I will write, though not as frequently as I once did, and my posts will be mostly academic dialogues required for classes. There is merit in everything, I have come to see, thus I will post all that I can.

Till then, my darlings, let us remember to live well. Life quivers with beauty; do not forsake that which longs to tempt you.